Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Day 4 - Merritt to Kamloops

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Richie and Caroline left Merritt while Lynn and I had breakfast, broke camp and readied the RV.   It took us quite a while to catch up.  They move at a steady and astonishing rate!  We took Highway 5A instead of 5 which had a lot less elevation and was a beautiful and scenic drive along the valley to Kamloops.  We drove beside Nicola Lake and saw a lot of flooding along the way.
We finally caught up with the cycling phenoms about 80 kms up the road.
We stopped to fuel them up......
........and send them back on their way.
We thought these were Osprey.  Any thoughts?
After riding to Kamloops we stopped to resupply and then drove up to Karen and Dennis Gobin's, long time friends of mine.
Some of their children and Grandchildren were there to greet us.
This is the spectacular view they wake up to each morning!!!

Lynn collected a few of their lilacs.
 We had an awesome visit and enjoyed an amazing dinner and breakfast the next morning.

Thank You Dennis and Karen for your great hospitality and generosity!

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