Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Today is a scheduled rest day for Ritchie & Caroline.
In six days Ritchie has ridden 712 kms and climbed 6400m. Caroline has ridden four days and done an impressive 346kms and 1860m. She developed a knee issue yesterday and could not ride. It is getting better with rest, icing and those Canyon Springs mineral waters and she plans to ride tomorrow.
I forgot to mention one of Ritchie's experiences yesterday.
Here it is in his words:
Yesterday on a descent out of Revelstoke, I was relishing the respite from the heat and not thinking of much, when a black bear bounded across the highway within 75m of me (and I’m closing quick), I sat up and said “Holy F…irecracker” out loud! He was close enough that I could see the shape of his paws, that he was all black, nice and fat and that he was a pro at jumping barriers which he did with ease. He was probably thinking—“holy f…ireracker, here comes a damn human on a bike!”.
Today we just chilled, had a slow morning and enjoyed a close game of scrabble. And then the creativity started........
We spent a couple of restful hours in the hot springs pool and hot tub and came out feeling very refreshed.
I'm going to miss seeing these guys (Rufous Hummingbirds). They're all over the place.
Do you suppose these trees were planted all around the old building when it was built?
The planning has worked out fantastic. We have enjoyed sunny warm days on the start of this journey. It was in the 80's yesterday, but dropped into the 30's and low 40's today. There were snow squalls warnings for the highways. We could see snow forming on the trees up on the mountain.
We are located not far from railroad tracks and actually enjoy hearing the trains climb and descend the hill. One came through faster than the others and when we looked up realized it was the Rocky Mountaineer!!
Ritchie took a turn at chef tonight (he used to own a Greek Restaurant). We were having hotdogs. It turned into a gourmet meal!
What a great day to schedule a rest day!
Temperatures are to start improving as we proceed through the week, Thank You Mother Nature!
Gonna miss this place.
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