Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Day 20 - Oak Lake to WINNIPEG!!!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

I think the caterpillars are starting to slow down, building their "tents".  Ritchie had to clear a few nests from his spokes this morning.

We gladly left Aspen Grove and headed for Portage La Prairie 185 km away.  With great tailwinds it wasn't long after Lynn and I got the RV packed up and cleaned the RV of Caterpillars that we got a text saying he was going beyond Portage!
We eventually picked Caroline up 117 km down the road!  A new personal best on this trip!
Awesome job Caroline!

The trains out here continue to be looooooooooong!
Here's a blend of old and new in Grain Elevators.
As Ritchie neared Winnipeg, we stopped every 10 km to ensure he didn't "Bonk"!

Determination wins again!!!

259 km!!  A great accomplishment today!
A shout out to our neighbours Rick & Nancy Bennett!  They're from Winnipeg and we're reminded of them as we drive into town.
We're rewarding Ritchie's accomplishment (he's now over half way and a couple of days ahead of schedule) with a 2 Day layover in Winnipeg!  We are booked into the Sandman Hotel to give ourselves a break from the Tin Can we've been living in for the last 3 weeks (almost 5 for Lynn and I)
A great celebratory dinner tonight at the Chop House beside the Hotel.

We finally have internet!!!  Yeahhh!

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