Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Day 19 - Whitewood, Sask. to Oak Lake, Manitoba

Monday, June 5, 2017

We left Whitewood, Sask. and Ritchie and Caroline headed into some pretty tough head winds.  Before long we reached the Manitoba border!  That's our fourth province!  Two of them, Saskatchewan and Manitoba being a first for me.  We were also hoping that we were leaving the Saskatchewan tent caterpillars behind.
This was a real tough day for our riders.   Caroline joined us at the border and Ritchie pressed on for 130 km today.  Said that was the closest he's ever come to "bonking" (like runners collapsing in a marathon).  Thankfully, he made it okay.

Our stop tonight was Aspen Grove Campground.  More bad news.  They were dealing with the caterpillar problem.  One half of their park was in good shape.....
......the other half wiped out by the little bas$#&ds!
One plus was that they had a swimming pool.  You can see the owner sweeping away invading caterpillars!  A few were seen swimming in the pool (I suppose to cool off).
We got back to our site to witness this!  Disgusting!  New item to add to my Departure Checklist, "Sweep 100 caterpillars off each wheel".😯
As fast as you swept them off the carpet, they would reappear!😡😡
Ritchie went into "attack" mode!
Needless to say, the afternoon and evening were spent inside😥

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