The team left early this morning and by the time we caught up to them we were entering Dryden.
It's not hard to see what drives the economy of this town, Pulp & Paper! If you look close you can see our riders ahead. I am seeing so many towns that I have heard so many stories about over the years. Very cool.
After a break at Tim Hortons, Caroline joined us and we headed up the road to a checkpoint. We pulled into a rest area near Jack Lake and met Matthew and his friend (I forget his name) from South Korea. Matthew is a Roman Catholic priest in South Korea and is celebrating his 25th Anniversary as a priest by coming to Canada and riding from Toronto to Vancouver. Matthew was the only one that spoke English, but they both were very cheerful guys and put a smile on your face.
Here's the results from today.Once he arrived at our destination at Davy Lake Campground (another nice campground), Ritchie started to change Caroline's chain.
There was a tiny lake on the property, so I commenced to fish it.
Lynn did too.Evidently, the fish were so small they couldn't get their tiny mouths around our lure!
On the way back to the RV, I ran into Denis Paquet, a retired police officer from Montreal (30 years) who is riding from Winnipeg to Montreal. He did Vancouver to Winnipeg last year and Montreal to the East coast a few years earlier. His English was excellent! Denis was a great guy! Thanks for serving buddy!
All the riders we have met so far have been a joy to meet.
Here is his blog, Denis Paquet unfortunately, it is in French, but google translate does the trick for someone who only got 50% in Grade 13 French😌 Denis actually speaks 4 languages. I'm very envious!
This is Denis' bike. It is built like a tank and has to carry all of his possessions on this trip! He has several paniers that attach to it.
He came over to our camp and we had some great conversation. He was envious of Ritchie's bike which only weighs 19 Lbs. He was pointing to it to show his wife back home what he wants for Christmas😁
This is the tranquil scene shortly after we arrived.
A few hours later a major storm came out of nowhere!
Have not seen nasty skies like this often!
Luckily, most of it blew over, but we did get some heavy rain.
And we saw this before it got dark!
I'll leave you with this.😊
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