Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Celebrate Canada 150 Bike Ride

Day 18 - Indian Head to Whitewood

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Dynamic Duo set off this morning into a bit of an East wind to challenge them a bit.
This was a cool classic Grain Elevator in Santaluta.  It was particularly appropriate since they painted the Celebrate Canada Leaf Symbol at the top as a tribute to Ritchie!  Actually, I think it might have been painted in 1967!!
We finally caught up with them near Grenfell, Sask. and took a minute for a group shot.  Note the two men's physiques in the picture.  The one on the right is capable of 80 kph and riding distances of 200+ km.  The one on the left is capable of attaining speeds of almost 30 kph and is capable of riding 100 km once a year!
Pretty much every road you pass going North and South is a numbered "Range Road" i.e.. 3200.  These roads go on forever!  Where do they go?  Maybe we'll return to follow a few of them.  Sometimes a vehicle (almost always a truck) is booting down one of them and there is a dust trail for about a mile.  An image that will stay with me.
We drove into Grenfell to get some bananas and the supplies.  All the stores were closed, you could have shot a cannon down the street.  Oh yeah, its Sunday and some things are sacred out here.  Good on them.
We caught up with our riders near Broadview, Sask and Caroline joined us after 58 Km.   We headed for our home for the night, Whitewood, Sask. Municipal Park.  Another great location.  Somewhere along the way we went through another time zone.
When you have a high performance bike, it requires a lot of tender loving care which Ritchie has plenty of.
Here's today's summary.  
After a couple of MONSTER days, it was good to give his body a bit of a break.  I say that, but I've never ridden THAT far.......ever!

 The campground is located in Larson Park which also houses a pool, kiddie pool, golf course and this beautiful ball park.  Notice anything strange?

The bases are left in!  If this was back home they wouldn't be there long!😞

We decided to have dinner out tonight.  Archie's was just down the street and had good reviews on Trip Advisor.
The food was great, and was a little like a 50's diner, but what struck me most was the people.  The place was hopping!  Everyone knew each other.  Someone would come in and if there were no empty tables, someone would invite them to sit with them.  One guy got up to get something from another table, gave us a big smile and asked how we were doing.  I felt like I was in a timewarp, in a better time when folks were friendlier and had more respect.  We have found this in both rural Alberta and especially Saskatchewan.  I am extremely envious of these fine folks.
We are in a spot where there are no trees nearby, so where do all these tent caterpillars come from????  We came back from dinner to these.......
We were joking last night about them enveloping the RV overnight and consuming us and then my sister sent me this this morning! Click Here
Maybe we'll be gone by morning!!😱

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